Full Worm Moon Spiritual Meaning: Understanding the Symbolism

Pedro Teixeira
12 min readOct 2, 2023


The Full Worm Moon is a term used to describe the full moon that appears in March. It is believed to have spiritual significance and is associated with the changing of seasons. Many people believe that the Full Worm Moon represents new beginnings, growth, and transformation.

According to some spiritual beliefs, the Full Worm Moon represents a time of renewal and rebirth. It is a time to shed the old and embrace the new, to let go of what no longer serves you and make room for new experiences and opportunities. This can be a powerful time for setting intentions, making changes, and taking steps towards your goals.

The spiritual meaning of the Full Worm Moon can vary depending on different traditions and beliefs. However, many people view it as a time to reconnect with nature and the cycles of the earth. It is a reminder that everything is connected and that we are all part of something greater than ourselves. Whether you choose to celebrate the Full Worm Moon through ritual, meditation, or simply spending time in nature, it can be a powerful time for reflection and growth.

Understanding Full Worm Moon

The Full Worm Moon is a term used to describe the full moon that appears in March. This moon is also known as the Lenten Moon, Crow Moon, or Sap Moon. In 2023, the Full Worm Moon will occur on March 7th.

The name “Worm Moon” comes from the fact that as the soil begins to warm up during spring, earthworms start to come out, attracting birds. The Old Farmers’ Almanac states that some southern Native American tribes referred to the full moon in March as the Worm Moon because earthworms were thought to appear around this time as the ground thawed from winter.

From a spiritual perspective, the Full Worm Moon is believed to represent change and renewal. It is a time to reflect on the changes happening in one’s life and to embrace new beginnings. The spiritual meaning of the Worm Moon is a reminder of how change can be happening underneath the surface, even if it is not seen or recognized.

During the Full Worm Moon, it is common for people to engage in rituals and practices that help them connect with their spiritual selves. Some people spend time in contemplation of the spiritual meaning of the Worm Moon, while others perform rituals to help them let go of the past and embrace the future.

Overall, the Full Worm Moon is a time to celebrate the coming of spring and to embrace the changes that come with it. It is a time to reflect on the past and to look forward to the future with hope and optimism.

Astrological Significance

Zodiac Influence

The Full Worm Moon falls under the zodiac sign of Virgo, which is known for its practicality, attention to detail, and hard-working nature. The Virgo energy encourages individuals to focus on their health, well-being, and productivity. This zodiac sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, which emphasizes the importance of effective communication and organization during this time.

Pisces Season and Full Worm Moon

The Full Worm Moon occurs during Pisces season, which is a time of heightened intuition, creativity, and spirituality. Pisces is a water sign that is associated with empathy, compassion, and emotional sensitivity. This season encourages individuals to connect with their emotions and explore their spiritual side.

During the Full Worm Moon, the Pisces energy can amplify the intuitive and spiritual aspects of this lunar phase. This can be a time for introspection, meditation, and self-reflection. Astrologers believe that this is a good time to focus on creative projects, spiritual practices, and self-care.

Mutable Earth and Water Signs

The Full Worm Moon occurs in the mutable earth sign of Virgo, which is known for its practicality, attention to detail, and hard-working nature. This energy is complemented by the mutable water sign of Pisces, which encourages individuals to connect with their emotions and explore their spiritual side.

Mutable signs are known for their adaptability, flexibility, and openness to change. During this lunar phase, individuals may feel more inclined to make changes in their lives, whether it be in their daily routines, relationships, or spiritual practices. This can be a time for personal growth, transformation, and self-improvement.

Astrologers believe that individuals with strong placements in mutable signs, such as Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, may feel the effects of the Full Worm Moon more strongly. It is recommended that individuals consult their birth chart to gain a deeper understanding of how this lunar phase may impact them.

In summary, the Full Worm Moon is a time of practicality, productivity, spirituality, and self-reflection. The Virgo energy encourages individuals to focus on their health and well-being, while the Pisces energy encourages individuals to connect with their emotions and explore their spiritual side. The mutable earth and water signs emphasize the importance of adaptability and openness to change during this lunar phase.

Spiritual Meaning and Energy

The Full Worm Moon is a time of spiritual significance that represents the renewal and growth of nature. This moon phase is associated with new beginnings, release, and change. It is a time to embrace the energy of transformation and to let go of old patterns that no longer serve a purpose.

Emotional Aspects

The Full Worm Moon can bring up strong emotions and feelings. It is a time to reflect on the past and release any negative energy that may be holding you back. This moon phase can also bring clarity and insight into your life, helping you to understand your emotions and feelings on a deeper level.

Focus and Clarity

The energy of the Full Worm Moon can help you to focus on your goals and bring clarity to your thoughts. This is a good time to set intentions and work towards achieving your dreams. The energy of this moon phase can also help you to let go of distractions and focus on what is truly important in your life.

Renewal and Growth

The Full Worm Moon is a time of renewal and growth. It is a time to plant seeds of intention and watch them grow over time. This moon phase is associated with new beginnings and can help you to start fresh in any area of your life. It is a time to embrace change and allow yourself to grow and evolve.

In summary, the Full Worm Moon is a time of spiritual significance that represents the renewal and growth of nature. It is a time to embrace the energy of transformation and to let go of old patterns that no longer serve a purpose. This moon phase can bring up strong emotions and feelings, but it can also bring focus, clarity, and renewal.

Rituals and Practices

The Full Worm Moon is a time of renewal, new beginnings, and growth. Many people choose to perform rituals and practices during this time to honor the energy of the moon and set intentions for the upcoming season.

One popular practice is to create a sacred space for meditation or reflection. This can be done indoors or outdoors, and can include items such as candles, crystals, or other objects that hold personal significance. By creating a quiet and peaceful space, individuals can connect with the energy of the moon and set intentions for the future.

Breathwork is another common practice during the Full Worm Moon. By focusing on the breath and taking deep, intentional breaths, individuals can release tension and stress, while also opening themselves up to new possibilities. This practice can be done alone or in a group setting, and can be a powerful way to connect with the energy of the moon.

Balance is another important aspect of Full Worm Moon rituals and practices. By finding balance in their lives, individuals can create a sense of harmony and peace, which can help them to achieve their goals and dreams. This can be achieved through practices such as yoga, meditation, or simply taking time to reflect on one’s life and priorities.

Finally, stillness is an important aspect of Full Worm Moon rituals and practices. By taking time to be still and quiet, individuals can connect with their inner selves and gain clarity and insight into their lives. This can be achieved through practices such as meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature.

Overall, Full Worm Moon rituals and practices can be a powerful way to connect with the energy of the moon and set intentions for the future. By finding balance, stillness, and breath, individuals can create a sense of harmony and peace, which can help them to achieve their goals and dreams.

Effects on Personal Life

The Full Worm Moon can have a significant impact on an individual’s personal life. It is believed that during this time, people may experience a surge of energy and heightened emotions. The spiritual meaning of the Worm Moon is a reminder of how change can be happening underneath the surface, even if it is not seen or recognized.

Career and Ambitions

For individuals who are focused on their career and ambitions, the Full Worm Moon can provide a boost of motivation and determination. This can be a great time to set new goals and work towards achieving them. It is important to remain focused and dedicated during this time, as the energy of the Worm Moon can be intense.

Health and Wellness

The Full Worm Moon can also have an impact on an individual’s health and wellness. This is a great time to focus on self-care and taking care of one’s physical and mental health. It is important to listen to one’s body and take the necessary steps to stay healthy and balanced during this time.

Relationships and Connections

The Full Worm Moon can also have an effect on an individual’s relationships and connections. This can be a time of heightened emotions and intense feelings, which can impact relationships in both positive and negative ways. It is important to communicate openly and honestly with loved ones during this time, and to be mindful of the impact that one’s actions and words may have on others.

Overall, the Full Worm Moon can be a powerful time for personal growth and transformation. It is important to remain grounded and focused, while also being open to the messages and insights that may be revealed during this time.

Historical Context

The Full Worm Moon has been observed and celebrated for centuries. In this section, we will explore the historical context of the Full Worm Moon, including its significance to Native American tribes, the observations made by the Old Farmer’s Almanac, and the records kept by Captain Jonathan Carver.

Native American Tribes

Many Native American tribes have their own names for the Full Worm Moon, which typically occurs in March. The name “Worm Moon” is thought to have originated from the Algonquin tribes who used this moon as a sign that the ground was softening and earthworms were beginning to emerge, which in turn signaled the start of the planting season.

Other tribes have different names for this moon. For example, the Cherokee people call it the “Windy Moon,” while the Lakota people refer to it as the “Moon When Eyes Are Sore from Bright Snow.” Regardless of the name, the Full Worm Moon was an important time for many Native American tribes as it signaled the arrival of spring and the start of new life.

Old Farmer’s Almanac Observations

The Old Farmer’s Almanac has been observing and recording the Full Worm Moon for over 200 years. In their observations, they note that this moon typically occurs in March and is a sign that the ground is beginning to thaw and earthworms are starting to emerge. This, in turn, signals the start of the planting season for farmers.

The Old Farmer’s Almanac also notes that the Full Worm Moon is a time for renewal and growth. It is a time to shed the old and embrace the new, both in nature and in our own lives.

Captain Jonathan Carver’s Records

Captain Jonathan Carver was an explorer who traveled through the Great Lakes region in the late 1700s. In his records, he notes that the Full Worm Moon was an important time for Native American tribes in the region. He observed that they would gather together to celebrate the arrival of spring and the start of new life.

Carver also noted that the Full Worm Moon was a time for spiritual reflection and renewal. It was a time to let go of the past and embrace the future with hope and optimism.

In conclusion, the Full Worm Moon has been an important time for many cultures throughout history. Whether it is celebrated as a sign of the start of the planting season or as a time for spiritual reflection and renewal, the Full Worm Moon reminds us that change is inevitable and that we should embrace it with open arms.

Full Worm Moon and Nature

The Full Worm Moon has a deep connection with nature. This moon is named after the earthworms that start to emerge from the soil as the weather warms up. The Full Worm Moon is a signal of the coming of spring and the renewal of life.

Earthworms and Beetle Larvae

As the Full Worm Moon rises, earthworms and beetle larvae start to emerge from the soil. This is because the soil starts to warm up and becomes easier to move through. Earthworms and beetle larvae are important for the health of the soil. They help to break down organic matter and release nutrients that are essential for plant growth.

Spring Equinox and Thawing

The Full Worm Moon is also closely tied to the spring equinox, which occurs around the same time. The equinox marks the official start of spring, and the Full Worm Moon is a reminder of the thawing that takes place during this season. As the snow melts and the ground thaws, new life starts to emerge.

Bird Sightings

Another sign of spring is the return of birds. The Full Worm Moon is often associated with the arrival of robins, which are a common sight during this time of year. The thawing of the ground also makes it easier for birds to find food, which is why they start to return in larger numbers during this season.

Overall, the Full Worm Moon is a time of renewal and growth in nature. It is a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of taking care of the environment.

Upcoming Full Moons

As the year progresses, there are several full moons that are worth noting. Each moon has its own unique name and spiritual significance. Here are some of the upcoming full moons:

Wolf Moon

The Wolf Moon is the first full moon of the year and is named after the howling of wolves that could be heard during the winter months. It is also known as the Old Moon, Ice Moon, and Snow Moon. The Wolf Moon is a time for reflection and introspection, as well as setting intentions for the year ahead. It is believed that the Wolf Moon has a strong energy that can help with personal growth and transformation.

Snow Moon

The Snow Moon is the second full moon of the year and is named after the heavy snowfall that typically occurs during this time. It is also known as the Hunger Moon, Storm Moon, and Chaste Moon. The Snow Moon is a time for purification and cleansing, as well as letting go of anything that no longer serves you. It is believed that the Snow Moon has a calming energy that can help with emotional healing and balance.

Sugar Moon

The Sugar Moon is the third full moon of the year and is named after the maple sap that begins to flow during this time. It is also known as the Crow Moon, Lenten Moon, and Worm Moon. The Sugar Moon is a time for renewal and growth, as well as connecting with the natural world. It is believed that the Sugar Moon has a nurturing energy that can help with creativity and inspiration.

Next Worm Moon

The next Full Worm Moon will occur on March 6, 2023. The Worm Moon is named after the earthworms that begin to emerge from the soil during this time. It is also known as the Sap Moon, Crust Moon, and Lenten Moon. The Worm Moon is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts, as well as connecting with the earth and the cycles of nature. It is believed that the Worm Moon has a powerful energy that can help with manifestation and transformation.


The Full Worm Moon is a significant event in the lunar cycle, marked by spiritual meaning and significance. It is a time for renewal and spiritual awakening, as well as making necessary changes for a new start. As the final full moon of the winter season, it represents the end of one season and the beginning of a new one.

Throughout history, the Full Worm Moon has been associated with various spiritual meanings and practices. Native Americans and Europeans gave names to full moons based on certain events that happened during each full moon. The Worm Moon was named after the earthworms that begin to emerge from the thawing ground during this time of year.

The spiritual meaning of the Worm Moon is a reminder of how change can be happening underneath the surface, even if it is not seen or recognized. It encourages us to spend time in contemplation of our own spiritual journey and to make necessary changes in our lives.

While there is no scientific evidence to support the spiritual significance of the Full Worm Moon, many people continue to find meaning in this event. Whether you choose to participate in full moon rituals or simply take time to reflect on the spiritual meaning of the Worm Moon, it can be a powerful time for personal growth and transformation.

Overall, the Full Worm Moon is a time to embrace change, renew our spiritual practices, and prepare for the new beginnings that lie ahead.

References: Full Worm Moon Spiritual Meaning (Full Moon March 2023)

